Ask Lemmy NSFW
- Name
- asklemmynsfw
- Description
- Think /r/AskLemmy but way more NSFW. Treat this community like a cross between /c/AskLemmy, /c/Sex, and /c/Fetishes. **RULES:** * All posts must be in the form of a question and be largely NSFW. * Only text posts are allowed. Links can be posted if they are very relevant. **POST GUIDELINES:** * Try to avoid questions that can simply be googled or have yes/no answers. * Search before you post. Your question may have been asked before. * If you ask medical/physical questions don't always trust the comments here. **COMMENT GUIDELINES:** * Avoid low-effort comments. Lone images, memes, jokes etc. * Treat all questions as if they're real, no matter how ridiculous. * Follow reddiquette with all reponses to avoid downvotes & removal.
- Community Url
- Subscribers
- 5103
- Posts
- 280
- Daily Active Users
- 4
- Weekly Active Users
- 117
- Monthly Active Users
- 451
- 6 Month Active Users
- 4205
- removed
- published
- 11/06/2023 11:09:47 AM
- updated
- 4/07/2023 9:04:35 PM
- deleted
- nsfw
- hidden
- Mods only