Lemmy.ca's Main Community
- Name
- main
- Description
- Welcome to lemmy.ca's c/main! Since everyone on lemmy.ca gets subscribed here, this is the place to chat about the goings on at lemmy.ca, support-type items, suggestions, etc. Announcements can be found at https://lemmy.ca/c/meta For support related to this instance, use https://lemmy.ca/c/lemmy_ca_support
- Community Url
- https://lemmy.ca/c/main
- Subscribers
- 2649
- Posts
- 190
- Daily Active Users
- 1
- Weekly Active Users
- 6
- Monthly Active Users
- 20
- 6 Month Active Users
- 712
- removed
- published
- 12/12/2020 11:56:39 PM
- updated
- 12/07/2023 2:13:01 AM
- deleted
- nsfw
- hidden
- Mods only